Waveforms...from the top

Discussion forum for WhiteCap users

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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:15 pm

Waveforms...from the top

Post by clintosl85 »

I've only recently stumbled across Whitecap and G-Force and think they're great. However, despite being a bit of a geek, wanting to dive in and create my own waveforms for Whitecap has proved immensely difficult.

I've just about figured out how to get simple waveforms up and running in G-Force thanks to a thread written by a couple of guys on this forum, however, Whitecap uses completely different techniques and there just doesn't seem to be any extra help anywhere on the net. Don't get me wrong I've modified a few waveforms, but never knowing exactly what the outcome will be.

I've got a reasonable history programming with web based languages such as javascript, php and mysql and my maths isn't too shoddy either but I just can't get my head around it.

Does anyone know where I can get a simple step by step tutorial for Whitecap starting with the very basics? Alternatively if anyone could give me a few pointers I'd be happy. Any help here would be massively appreciated.

P.S. I get the feeling I'm not the only person struggling athough everyone else seems to be keeping quiet about it

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