UPDATED - A little help pls

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just for shits and giggles...

Post by jerohm »

I was bored and re-wrote ShohS's "noname4" (AKA Kana Kone) in a VectorC form. IT IS IN NO WAY to imply ShohS's version isn't every bit as good... maybe even better, and SHOULD result in identical output.
It was ONLY an exercise in intellectual curiosity; for those stricken with such afflictions, it might prove useful...

Nice work ShohS! :D

Code: Select all

// noname4 By ShohS

Num="2 + round(rnd(4))" 

A0="2 * pi" 

A3="{ sin( s * 6.28318530/A2)
    , cos( s * 6.28318530/A2)

//  A4="{ sin(-s * 6.28318530/A2 + A2 * pi)
//      , cos(-s * 6.28318530/A2 + A2 * pi)
//      }"                                             // Original Code

A4="{ sin(-s * 6.28318530/A2 )
    , cos(-s * 6.28318530/A2 )
    }"                                                 // Equivalent Code (JRM)

A5="{ sgn(cos(s*120/A2*pi))

B0="fft(s/num) * .3"
B1="A5 * B0 + .6" 

B2="A3 * row(B1, 0)"      // It is IMPORTANT to understand that A3 * B1 couldn't be used here
B3="A3 * row(B1, 1)" 
B4="A4 * row(B1, 0)" 
B5="A4 * row(B1, 1)" 

// A6="A0 * ( 1 + (vectorLR(NUM, 0, NUM-1) / NUM))"    // Original Code
A6="A0 * (vectorLR(NUM, 0, NUM-1) / NUM)"              // Equivalent Code (JRM)
B6="t * A1 + col(A6, ID)" 

X0="row(B2, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B2, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y0="row(B2, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B2, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

X1="row(B3, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B3, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y1="row(B3, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B3, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

X2="row(B4, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B4, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y2="row(B4, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B4, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

X3="row(B5, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B5, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y3="row(B5, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B5, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

LWdt="1.5 + energy" 

I may have leaped, before I looked... I think everything was correct & in sync
Last edited by jerohm on Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:21 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by BTT »

Hello All

Just so you can see the difference between the Shohs original and Jerhom's version.

Code: Select all

// Kana Kone - WaveShape - Author ShohS

Num="2 + round(rnd(4))"

A0="2 * pi"

B1="t * B0 + A0 + 2 * pi * ID / NUM"

C0="0.5 + .1 + sgn(cos(s*120/B2*pi)) * fft(s/num) * .3"
C1="0.5 + .1 + sgn(cos(s*120/B2*pi)) * fft(s/num) * -.3"
C2="s * 6.28318530/B2"
C3="-s * 6.28318530/B2 + B2 * pi"
C4="C0 * sin(C2)"
C5="C0 * cos(C2)"
C6="C1 * sin(C2)"
C7="C1 * cos(C2)"
C8="C0 * sin(C3)"
C9="C0 * cos(C3)"
C10="C1 * sin(C3)"
C11="C1 * cos(C3)"

X0="C4 * cos( B1 ) + C5 * sin( B1 )"
Y0="C4 * sin( B1 ) - C5 * cos( B1 )"
X1="C6 * cos( B1 ) + C7 * sin( B1 )"
Y1="C6 * sin( B1 ) - C7 * cos( B1 )"
X2="C8 * cos( B1 ) + C9 * sin( B1 )"
Y2="C8 * sin( B1 ) - C9 * cos( B1 )"
X3="C10 * cos( B1 ) + C11 * sin( B1 )"
Y3="C10 * sin( B1 ) - C11 * cos( B1 )"

LWdt="1.5 + energy"

Regards BTT

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Post by DanPin »

JRM, thanks for the rewrite, but the waveshape is rotating a bit too fast. I tried decreasing the value from .3 to .03 in A1, but this ends up with the same result. Can you identify which value is set for 't'?

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Post by jerohm »

On the version I posted, spin timing is set using A1 and used in B6

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A6="A0 * ( 1 + (vectorLR(NUM, 0, NUM-1) / NUM))" 
B6="t * A1 + col(A6, ID)" 
Since .3 is a CONSTANT, I used an 'Avar'
I also calculated the other part of ShohS's equation ONCE (A6) for each thread, and reference the CORESPONDING CONSTANT values' array(col) position by ID
My code may look less straight forward, but should have a more efficient run time; I have a sick mind :wink:

In ShohS's original version:

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B1="t * B0 + A0 + 2 * pi * ID / NUM"

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Post by jerohm »

If you have played along so far, you can use the fact that:

Code: Select all

-sin(-x) == sin(x)
 cos(-x) == cos(x)
and reduce things even further.

If you think, "Hey!, you should also be able to reduce A5!!!" Think again (hint: B1).

Code: Select all

// noname4 By ShohS (optimized VectorC)

Num="2 + round(rnd(4))" 

A0="2 * pi" 
A2="s * Pi/Num" 


B0="fft(s/num) * .3"

A5="{ sgn(cos(60*A2))
B1="A5 * B0 + .6"

B2="A3*B1"    // sin(A2) * B1
B3="A4*B1"    // cos(A2) * B1 

A6="A0 * (vectorLR(NUM, 0, NUM-1) / NUM)" 
B6="t * A1 + col(A6, ID)" 

X0=" row(B2, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B3, 0) * sin( B6 )" 
Y0=" row(B2, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B3, 0) * cos( B6 )" 

X1=" row(B2, 1) * cos( B6 ) + row(B3, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y1=" row(B2, 1) * sin( B6 ) - row(B3, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

X2="-row(B2, 0) * cos( B6 ) + row(B3, 0) * sin( B6 )" 
Y2="-row(B2, 0) * sin( B6 ) - row(B3, 0) * cos( B6 )" 

X3="-row(B2, 1) * cos( B6 ) + row(B3, 1) * sin( B6 )" 
Y3="-row(B2, 1) * sin( B6 ) - row(B3, 1) * cos( B6 )" 

LWdt="1.5 + energy" 



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