How do i lock a sprite?

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How do i lock a sprite?

Post by vineshway »

I want to a play say a 10 minute song with just one sprite however sprites tend to disappear after maximum of one minute how can I lock the sprite for as long as i want?

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Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:34 pm
Location: United Kingdom

Post by BTT »

Hello vineshway

The Sprite display period can be changed in the Preferences file, I have set it to 600 in a copy of my Preference file which should be 10 minuets however, that will apply to all Sprites. You cannot have different periods you have to change them manually.

Audio.AutoDetect.Enabled = 0
Audio.AutoDetect.SilenceThreshold = 0.0005
Audio.AutoDetect.Wait = 10
Audio.FFT.MapFunction = "clamp(.95*atan(1.4*x))" = 185
Audio.FFT.NumBins.vis = 185
Audio.FFT.Params = "Envelopes=16 InitialVolume=500.0 FloorRaiseMax=.7 Smooth=1.0 ShortImpulse=0.6 ShortWindow=0.3 ShortRamp=0.0065 LongImpulse=0.59 LongWindow=0.043 LongRamp=0.04 ExciterImpulse=.27 ExciterDecay=.2 ExciterDrag=1.3 ExciterFFTScale=2.4"
Audio.InputSource = "Winamp"
Audio.PCM.NumBins = 255
Audio.PCM.Smooth = 0.008
Audio.Response.Scale = 1.176469
ColorMap.ConfigPrepTime = 3
ColorMap.MapFunction = "i^2.1"
ColorMap.MostRecent.Name = "BT - Millaray"
ColorMap.MostRecent.ResumeOnStartup = 0
ColorMap.Slideshow.EnableOnStartup = 1
ColorMap.Slideshow.Interval.Duration = "11 + rnd( 12 )"
ColorMap.Slideshow.Interval.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.3
ColorMap.Timescale = 1
ColorMap.Transition.Duration = "4 + rnd( 10 )"
ColorMap.Transition.Duration.Quick = 1
ColorMap.Transition.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.2
ColorMap.Transition.Function = "i^1.5"
Console.LineDuration = 20
CoverArt.SizeLimit.Height = 180
CoverArt.SizeLimit.Width = 180
"FlowField Union.ConfigPrepTime" = 3
"FlowField Union.MostRecent.Name" = "On Off On Off - Radial"
"FlowField Union.MostRecent.ResumeOnStartup" = 0
"FlowField Union.Slideshow.EnableOnStartup" = 0
"FlowField Union.Slideshow.Interval.Duration" = 210
"FlowField Union.Slideshow.Interval.Duration.StdDeviation" = 0.3
"FlowField Union.Timescale" = 1
"FlowField Union.Transition.Duration" = 6
"FlowField Union.Transition.Duration.Quick" = 1.399999
"FlowField Union.Transition.Duration.StdDeviation" = 0.2
"FlowField Union.Transition.Function" = "i^1.5"
FlowField.ConfigPrepTime = 30
FlowField.FlowScale = 1
FlowField.MostRecent.Name = "Hope Shield"
FlowField.MostRecent.ResumeOnStartup = 0
FlowField.NextFieldThread.Priority = -2
FlowField.NextFieldThread.SleepMS = 5
FlowField.Slideshow.EnableOnStartup = 1
FlowField.Slideshow.Interval.Duration = "12 + rnd( 12)"
FlowField.Slideshow.Interval.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.3
FlowField.Timescale = 1
FlowField.Transition.Duration = "4 + rnd( 10 )"
FlowField.Transition.Duration.Quick = 1.1
FlowField.Transition.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.2
FlowField.Transition.Function = "i^1.35"
Fullscreen.Device = -1
Fullscreen.Height = 0
Fullscreen.RefreshRate = 0
Fullscreen.Width = 0
G-Force.AutoLaunchToolbar = 0
G-Force.ForceCPUColorization = 0
G-Force.MultiThreadedCopyBits = 1
G-Force.PixelDoubling = 0
Particle.Duration = "20.5 + rnd( 15 )"
Particle.Slideshow.Interval.Duration = "20 + rnd( 20 )"
Prefs.Autosave = 1
Prefs.Version = 430
Sprite.Duration = "600"
Sprite.Slideshow.Interval.Duration = "75"
TargetFrameRate = 60
Text.Font = "MS Shell Dlg"
Text.Size = 28
TrackText.Appearance = 0
TrackText.Auto = 1
TrackText.Duration = 7
VisualPreset = ""
WaveShape.AntiAlias = 1
WaveShape.AutoLineScale = 1
WaveShape.ConfigPrepTime = 3
WaveShape.LineWidth.Offset = 0
WaveShape.LineWidth.Scale = 1.1
WaveShape.MostRecent.Name = "Spokes"
WaveShape.MostRecent.ResumeOnStartup = 0
WaveShape.Slideshow.EnableOnStartup = 1
WaveShape.Slideshow.Interval.Duration = "12 + rnd( 10 )"
WaveShape.Slideshow.Interval.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.3
WaveShape.Timescale = 1
WaveShape.Transition.Duration = "4 + rnd( 10 )"
WaveShape.Transition.Duration.Quick = 1.199999
WaveShape.Transition.Duration.StdDeviation = 0.2
WaveShape.Transition.Function = "i^1.6"
Window.bottom = 734
Window.left = 343
Window.right = 765 = 553
Regards BTT

ColorMap Creator for G-Force and Aeon --- SoundSpectrum Forum Administrator.

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